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ÃÖÁ¡´Ü ´Ù±â´É ÃøÁ¤½Ã½ºÅÛ °í´Ï¿À½Ã½ºÅÛ Gonio'2pi (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-09-24 58
[¸ÞŸ¿Éƽ]¿ÉƼÄà ¸ÞŸǥ¸é ÃÖÀûÈ­ (Optimization for Optical Metasurfaces) (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-09-23 51
[FSO]Free Space Optic communication using Optical AM, OOK-NRZ and OOK-RZ Mo.. (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-07-31 193
[Meta Optics]Metasurfaces enhance optical systems (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-07-30 152
Importance Sampling ¶ó°í µé¾îº¸¼Ì³ª¿ä? (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-06-24 189
Solar Tracking ¶ó°í µé¾îº¸¼Ì³ª¿ä? (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-03-27 384
Explore Our Latest Content: A Comprehensive List of Published Blog Posts, Article.. ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-03-27 168
System Design in meta-optics & meta material using PlanOpsim ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-03-27 244
Solar Emulator ¶ó°í µé¾îº¸¼Ì³ª¿ä? (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-03-06 279
Stray Light Analyzer À̶ó°í µé¾îº¸¼Ì³ª¿ä? (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-02-15 353
Gas Cells ¶ó°í µé¾îº¸¼Ì³ª¿ä? (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-02-02 247
TracePro 2023.5 Presss Release Email Blast (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 24-01-30 284
Accuracy in Optical Design Software Whitepaper by Lambda Research Corporation (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 23-11-24 373
opsira's Optical Measurement Testing Systems Users Reference (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 23-07-28 402
Advanced lasers shed new light on the future of AR smart glasses ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 22-11-24 2076
Solar pumping converts broadband sunlight into efficient laser light (ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 22-10-06 922
Fifth-order aberration for soft x-ray and vacuum ultraviolet multi-element optical sys.. ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 21-12-27 815
Motion picture of magnified light pulse propagation with extending recordable time of.. ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 21-12-24 837
A method for optimizing the reference temperature in the effective emissivity calculat.. ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 21-12-24 1014
Design of a Fresnel Lens for a Solar End-pumped Solid-state Laser ÁÖ)¸ð´øÇÏÀÌÅ×Å© 21-12-24 848